Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language and development environment.
DnD Character Generator
This program allows a user to create a character for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Tabletop RPG. Using a simple UI it allows the user to either choose their Race, and Class or they have the option to randomize them! This program also does the random rolls for theirs stats and assigns them based off the class selection so they will have a good starting point. Created using C++ in Visual Studio.
Check out the GITHUB here |
Solar System Facts App
Have you ever wondered how big Jupiter was? Well this app gives you that information and SO MUCH MORE. Part of a 'Space' Jam this app was designed in a couple hours to give users information on the planets in our solar system in a mobile format. Created using a combination of React Native, Android Studio, and Expo in Visual Studio Code.
Music Recommendation System
This program uses collaborative filtering to suggest new music for the user based off their opinions on certain genres. This was designed to be implemented later with a React Native app to increase the User Experience. Created with Python, Pandas, Keras, and more in PyCharm.
Check out the GITHUB here |